
Click here for a complete list of operations.


Save a shift in TimeCare


The test form is only available for requests from the local machine.

SOAP 1.1

The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /TimeCareApi/workshiftservice.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <SaveWorkShiftById xmlns="">
        <UpdateTypeFlag>Inserted or Updated or Deleted or Unknown or All</UpdateTypeFlag>
          <UpdateTypeFlag>Inserted or Updated or Deleted or Unknown or All</UpdateTypeFlag>
            <PerIntSettings xsi:nil="true" />
            <PerIntSettings xsi:nil="true" />
            <Employment xsi:nil="true" />
            <Employment xsi:nil="true" />
            <PersonRuleContract xsi:nil="true" />
            <PersonRuleContract xsi:nil="true" />
            <Skill xsi:nil="true" />
            <Skill xsi:nil="true" />
            <WorkLimit xsi:nil="true" />
            <WorkLimit xsi:nil="true" />
            <PersonBonusContract xsi:nil="true" />
            <PersonBonusContract xsi:nil="true" />
            <Activity xsi:nil="true" />
            <Activity xsi:nil="true" />
          <UpdateTypeFlag>Inserted or Updated or Deleted or Unknown or All</UpdateTypeFlag>
          <TimeMethod>CalculatedTime or ManuelTime or WeeklyWorkTime or FullTimeHour or FixedTime or BasedOnPreviousMonths</TimeMethod>
          <BalanceType>actNone or actWorkTime or actStaffing or actLeaveTime or actVacationTime or actVetoTime or actIsBreak or actAlertTime or actWatchTime or actIllnessTime or actOtherAbsenceTime or actOverTime or actPlusTime or actEducationLeaveTime or actNothing or actCircomstanceLeaveTime or actLegalVacationTime or actPublicVacationTime or actWorkingReductionTime or actAgeVacationTime or actLeaveSeniorityTime or actCompanyVacationTime or actMaternityLeaveTime or actParentalLeaveTime or actSeniorTime or actCareTime or actAll</BalanceType>
          <BalanceDayType>actNone or actWorkDay or actVacationDay or actLeaveDay or actVetoDay or actWatchDay or actAlertDay or actIllnessDay or actOtherAbsenceDay or actNothing or actLegalVacationDay or actPublicVacationDay or actWorkingTimeReductionDay or actSeniorDay or actCareDay</BalanceDayType>
          <UseInSchedType>ReqShift or PrelShift or FinalSched or DefShift or ActiveShift or NoShift or All</UseInSchedType>
            <ActivityRuleContract xsi:nil="true" />
            <ActivityRuleContract xsi:nil="true" />
            <Skill xsi:nil="true" />
            <Skill xsi:nil="true" />
            <DayType xsi:nil="true" />
            <DayType xsi:nil="true" />
            <DayType xsi:nil="true" />
            <DayType xsi:nil="true" />
            <DayType xsi:nil="true" />
            <DayType xsi:nil="true" />
            <Id xmlns="">int</Id>
            <Name xmlns="">string</Name>
            <Category xmlns="">string</Category>
            <Active xmlns="">boolean</Active>
            <Compulsory xmlns="">boolean</Compulsory>
            <Comment xmlns="">string</Comment>
            <ArrayOfContractRules xsi:nil="true" xmlns="" />
            <IsExportable xmlns="">boolean</IsExportable>
            <Reference xmlns="">string</Reference>
            <ExternalContractId xmlns="">string</ExternalContractId>
            <Activity xsi:nil="true" />
            <UpdateTypeFlag>Inserted or Updated or Deleted or Unknown or All</UpdateTypeFlag>
            <Activity xsi:nil="true" />
            <UpdateTypeFlag>Inserted or Updated or Deleted or Unknown or All</UpdateTypeFlag>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <SaveWorkShiftByIdResponse xmlns="">